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Posts Tagged ‘What is a Real Question

What is a Real Question?

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I love this question. I saw it today on a Social Network and I just had to create a response.

Rumi Sketch

Rumi Sketch

Krisnamurthi once said “can we ever ask the right question”.
It took a while to get on top of this one but eventually I came to piece with it.
The mind has endless meanderings and creates lots of little puzzles for itself based on what it already knows, what it thinks the world, Universe, God or whatever is.  It sets up its own limitations but pretends it is understanding open and ready for the ‘answer’ that will solve its stupid puzzles.

I think we are all born with an inbuilt question and that very question is “who on earth am I really?”  ….  And that is the underlying real question that is of most importance to humanity. We could ask the same thing a few other ways Where we go skewiff is trying to resolve it with the mind.

The mind is NOT the tool to answer this problem, the answer is outside the framework of thought.  And the philosophers and intellectuals, and the supposed Spiritual people will ramble on for ages with questions and answers, but all this is doing is keeping the mind busy and sending it up the garden path.
So a real question as I see it is something that requires a transformation of our Being or really centers us in our being, and that is the answer to all Zen Koans or parables.  And in order to answer it correctly EVERYTHING must go.

Written by Tony Hogan

August 28, 2009 at 7:41 am